Proud to be a dairy farmer

Sep 30, 2019

Proud to be a dairy farmer
In the Netherlands there is a huge discussion around nitrogen and CO2 emissions. Unfortunately, we see that the agricultural sector is wrongly being depicted as the main cause for the surplus of these emissions. How can it be that this sector is so heavily charged with these problems? While efforts in the agricultural sector have already produced many improvements, we see that other sectors, such as transport, industries and households, have only increased their emissions over the last decades. Agriculture is being hit disproportionately.

The Netherlands is frontrunner within the global agricultural sector and the Dutch play an important exemplary role for other countries. We are proud of our farmers! They work hard every day, running their business, with care for their animals, nature and environment. With the greatest care, they contribute to our food supply. Bles Dairies supports Dutch farmers and all farmers around the world.