Introduction to Lean Management by Lely at Bles Dairies Farm

Jan 16, 2020

This week Moyna Bierma gave an interesting introduction to Lean Management on behalf of Lely International N.V at Bles Dairies Farm.

This management philosophy, originating from the automotive industry, aims to continuously improve business processes by preventing any form of waste. By starting “bottom up” with observations, discussions with the entire team and improvement plans, Lely has already been able to achieve many improvements on dairy farms. An example is the saving of required labour by determining an efficient work route. This saving can be expressed in kilograms of milk per working hour.

After the introduction, we shared experiences with everyone involved and the way in which they are dealt with. We look forward to a pleasant further collaboration with Lely.

Introduction to Lean Management by Moyna Bierma

At Bles Dairies Farm