Bles Dairies Institute: the development of “Blended Learning”

Jul 26, 2018

Worldwide the dairy sector faces major challenges on the subject of food security, food safety and climate change. Organizations and employees have a need to continuously develop their competences: Life Long Learning. This is an opportunity for Dutch organizations and knowledge institutions to deploy their knowledge internationally. This transfer of (practical) knowledge is one of Bles Dairies Institute’s core activities. For dairy farmers, learning how to apply newly acquainted knowledge in practical situations is crucial.

Since three months, Bles Dairies Institute in partnership with Wageningen University and Research (WUR) is developing a knowledge platform with the goal to professionalise the transfer of dairy related knowledge. The ambition is to make newly developed knowledge, by WUR and its network, better accessible to a broad national and international target group. The added value and effects of knowledge transfer are becoming more and more important in projects. The knowledge platform must therefore contribute in form and content. With the combination of up-to-date knowledge on dairy farming and practical applications on the one hand and modern ways of knowledge transfer on the other, Bles Dairies Institute will improve the quality and efficiency of knowledge transfer.

The development of “Blended Learning” is the spearhead within this knowledge platform. Online and blended learning are appealing for a broad target group, since it does not depend on time nor place. It consists of more than the mere digitization of existing knowledge; online and blended learning will affect the business model of a training and consultancy organization, and the role of experts and trainers. It requires targeted policy!

The knowledge platform  will centre on deep learning and demand-driven content. Both aspects are important in the process of knowledge transfer, since knowledge creates more impact when it is not only available, but also applicable. With the platform, Bles Dairies Institute will provide the necessary knowledge for clients to achieve the best possible results.

Practical expertise on dairy farming combined with market knowledge and a strong partnership with different parties make Bles Dairies Institute perfectly fit for the job. By cooperating with WUR, but also with other leading organizations and educational institutions, Bles Dairies will continue to play a valuable role in the knowledge transfer within the entire dairy chain.