The Friesian partners with SNV Uganda to improve dairy farming in South Western Uganda

Nov 16, 2015

SNV Uganda has signed a four year partnership agreement of 9 million Euro with the Netherlands Embassy in Uganda to implement The Inclusive Dairy Enterprise (TIDE) project  The new SNV-led TIDE project will focus on the following four components:

Improved dairy farm productivity: 20 well-managed farms will be transformed into practical dairy training farms. Approximately 5,000 small and larger farmers will benefit from practical training in farm management, dairy feeding, farm mechanisation and renewable energy options. The focus will be on increasing more milk per cow.

Improved commercial milk quality: Through partnerships between farmers, milk traders and processors the quality of commercial milk will be targeted. Quality-based payment systems will be introduced as incentives for farmers and traders to supply improved quality.

Improved pro-active dairy sector regulation: The Dairy Development Authority will be supported to roll-out an independent milk inspection and enforcement system that will accompany the introduction of the improved milk quality systems.

Improved dairy household nutrition: Vulnerable households and children will be the target of school milk activities.

The project will be implemented in partnership with the Dairy Development Authority and Dutch dairy experts from The Friesian and Wageningen University.
