Bles Dairies Genetics doing good business in Russia

Mar 15, 2017

Bles Dairies Genetics is specialized in improvement of a herd’s genetic potential. Our activities include: provision of bull semen; improvement of cow fertility; and support on reproduction related matters. Bles Dairies Genetics is also Semex’ exclusive dealer for high quality semen in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Russia.

Bles Dairies Genetics is doing good business in Russia. Business manager Jurjen visits Russia almost twice a month and is concerned with strengthening our position in the Russian market, for both our Genetics (represented by Semex) as Livestock branch. For concluding orders of semen straws he primarily focuses on the large scale farms. The regular, smaller orders are being processed by the Semex Russia team in Nizjni Novgorod, east from Moscow.

Last year Jurjen concluded a great deal of 2.000 straws of sexed semen. Earlier this year we concluded two year contracts and a new dealer was assigned who commits himself to 35.000 straws in 2017! At the moment he is preparing proposals for a major tender opportunity.

But Semex doesn’t limit its service to mere sales and distribution. A high genetic input forms the foundation of a herd’s potential, but in our opinion after sales guidance is just as important. Pregnancy results and the final milk production of good genetics is depending on many factors which we can influence. Therefore, for the Russian market, good customers of Semex can get a discount on all round consultancy for their farms carried out by our consultancy branch The Friesian. This can be on various subjects like checking fertility protocols, but also hoof trimming, feeding, insemination etc.

Sometimes a lot of input on the short term is needed, but on the long term it will result in much higher efficiency. Also agronomy has influence: higher fertilizer use on good quality crops combined with good genetics will result in more milk from less land, which is the biggest profit driver in future.


Bles Dairies Genetics; Russia