Farm assessment in South America

May 17, 2017

In 2015 Bles Dairies’ consultancy company The Friesian was requested to execute a technical assessment of a 1340 head dairy farm in Urugugay. The owners aim to improve its the results and then grow to a maximum capacity on the present land area. One of our experts assessed the farm and this enabled The Friesian to present a report including an assessment of the actual (technical) state of the farm, recommendations for improvement of the technical results on short term and a long(er) term growth plan for a further increasing of the total output of the farm.
At the moment of assessment, at the farm both milk production and beef fattening were being applied, leading to diversified attention. As the herd would increase rapidly, it was recommended to quit fattening the bull calves. By this focus, milk production could be optimized.
By focusing on the dairy herd in combination with increased productivity of the pasture, a sound basis was present for future expansion of the farm as the major inputs (livestock, land) were available.
During a second visit the management and  working routines were analyzed and discussed.  Our specialists proposed several SOPS which would encourage the stated improvement.